Leo Strauss and the Recovery of the Theologico-Political Problem
Cover of issue 36
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How to Cite

Leo Strauss and the Recovery of the Theologico-Political Problem. (2007). The Political Science Reviewer, 36, 47-80. https://politicalsciencereviewer.wisc.edu/index.php/psr/article/view/485


Scholarly and journalistic interest in Leo Strauss has increasedin recent years. But as the attention Strauss has garneredreminds us, being a person of interest is at best a mixed blessing.Much of this attention has flowed from the ill-informed andincredible belief that Strauss is somehow responsible for mastermindingthe Bush administration’s approach to foreign policy andits use of military force in the Middle East. If it were not for thedishonor these kinds of frenzied machinations heap upon Strauss’slife and his own thought, such portrayals would be laughable.
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